The Groom

Paul Andrew Phillips

I’m about to ‘commit’ to a lifetime partnership, and let me tell you, it’s the best upgrade I’ve ever made. My heart’s got more threads than a high-end processor, all running parallel with love and excitement. I’m debugging my pre-wedding jitters and optimizing my emotions for maximum joy. I can’t wait to ‘interface’ with my bride at the altar and start this incredible ‘co-op mode’ that lasts a lifetime. So, let’s boot up this ceremony, and remember, if my tie isn’t straight, it’s not a bug—it’s a feature!
The Bride

Stephanie Anne Porter

In just a few months, weeks and days, I'll be wearing a white dress.... well hopefully and walking down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams, Please tell me it’s Vin Diesel??? No, oh sorry I guess Paul will do! In all honesty, I couldn't be more thrilled, it’s felt like a lifetime to get here and I know we both can’t wait to have the happiest day of our life’s. It makes all the stress on the lead up worth while…sorry I’m trying not to be bridezilla….right? I'm sure our love will be as unbreakable like titanium and our laughter echo through the milky way.... I guess I need to be prepared for the reciting of Harry Potter spells, maybe Hedwig to join our crazy menagerie next? Honestly, even when Paul's not being all wizardry... I prepare myself for the NASA craze….5,4,3,2,1.....LET’S GET MARRIED!

10th August 2024

Oulton Hall Hotel
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Our Story

Wedding Day Plan